Senior Living Operators – Will You Meet Your Budget This Month?

Senior Living Operators – Will You Meet Your Budget This Month?

There’s a nagging question in the minds of senior living administrators and department managers everywhere: “Will I meet my budget this month?”


DreamCORE Dashboards and the Dream Expenses App are the practical solution to this notorious problem – How to manage expenses with a census that fluctuates daily and a labyrinth of operational issues.


Dream Expenses is a simple, mobile app that inputs each invoice directly into your general ledger – “one-touch invoicing”. Easily select the GL code, and easily split the invoice if necessary, even between departments.


This practical checkbooking system updates your DreamCORE Dashboards with every entry. You have near real time access to department budgets that are auto-adjusting by SpendDown and fluctuating census.


The result: DreamCORE Dashboards take the guesswork out of meeting the budget. Each department leader has a departmental dashboard and knows exactly how much is available to spend.


DreamCORE Dashboards solve the problem of managing expenses against a fluctuating census, saving time and enabling confident, evidence-based decisions.


Book a live demo – Grab a spot on our calendar here.


Contact us today to see how easily you can manage your expenses and make data-driven decisions, when all your critical data is in one place.


Infographic SNF Expenses

SNF Operators – Reduce Time Chasing Receivables

SNF Operators – Reduce Time Chasing Receivables

How much of your human capital is being expensed to chasing receivables?


With DreamCORE Dashboards, you have a daily data story showing cash trending and charges trending, shortfall by payer and much more. It’s an at-a-glance daily view of your cash flow status.


When a new patient is admitted, critical data enters the EHR. DreamCORE Dashboards integrate the EHR with your book of record to deliver a logical view of real time receivables.


Having a daily view helps you identify roadblocks that cause receivables to enter the aging status … where they are less likely to be realized. Dream CORE displays historical data to measure trends and provide insight for improvement.


Check out the benefits on the infographic below.

Book a live demo – Grab a spot on our calendar here.


SNF Dashboards Meet New CMS Reporting Requirements

SNF Dashboards Meet New CMS Reporting Requirements

The new reporting requirements announced by CMS may be causing you additional stress – but Prone 2 Dream Technologies has an easy and effective solution for you.

As announced in April 2020, in addition to reporting to the CDC, the CMS will require that facilities notify its residents and their representatives to keep them informed of conditions inside the facility.

Nursing homes must inform residents and their representatives within 1 day of the occurrence of specific infectious disease details.

Prone 2 Dream Technologies serves SNFs by solving the challenge of a rapid turnaround time in reporting as required by CMS.

With Facility Dashboards, you can report necessary critical updates to your residents and their representatives each day. The data is viewable on a user-friendly, interactive dashboard where your customers can reassure themselves of the safety of their loved one within your facility. The dashboard allows the viewer to compare your statistics with those of your county, state, country, and the world.

Contact us to learn more: Call 469-294-5233 or email

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