DreamCORE Intelligence Center
We Deliver Custom Apps.
Included with your DreamCORE subscription is a suite of custom mobile apps. Once your Intelligence Center is built (7 days to delivery), we will coordinate with your Executive Team to determine the timing for seamless integration.
DreamCORE enables you to lower your total cost of ownership of IT by eliminating the need for third party applications.
Custom Mobile Apps
Apps fill gaps and enrich business analytics by speeding green data to your DreamCORE dashboards.
Included with your DreamCORE subscription:
Track Agency Labor
Integrate Agency hours with your time clock, payroll, and census data to validate invoices, calculate PPD/HPPD, reduce time preparing PBJ reports.
Expense Management
A prospective approach – capture expenses daily and integrate right into the DreamCORE Dashboards’ Spend Down feature.
Speed Referral Process
Robotic automation processes speed information to decision makers to optimize referrals. Visual bed board enables better room assignment decisions.
PDPM Theoretical
Our PDPM tool produces a theoretical payment estimate to compare to the actual – allowing you to determine if the right decisions were made during the critical first three days.
Star Calculator
Improve CMS staffing star ratings by calculating the necessary hours on the floor and scheduling to reach your goal.
DreamCORE Intelligence Center surveys facility activity daily to provide an unobstructed line of sight into KPI’s, empowering senior care leaders to quickly identify obstacles on the road to profitability.