SNF Operators – Effective Admissions for Better Client Experiences

SNF Operators – Effective Admissions for Better Client Experiences

Skilled Nursing Facility operators – Does your current Admissions process provide a comfortable transition for the new patient arrival?

Are you capturing the required verifications and authorizations?

Is ICD-10 coding a breeze for your MDS nurse?

Do you know the theoretical reimbursement benchmark? Do you know if you’re getting paid what you’ve earned or do you suspect you’re leaving money on the table?

Prone 2 Dream Technologies processes Admissions through 2 user-friendly apps. The Admissions app speeds the process of approving a new referral and communicating the start of the new patient’s journey to your team. The PDPM app calculates the theoretical reimbursement, and memorializes the patient’s journey in your center.

Check out the process in this easy infographic. Then contact us to see these steps in action.


Thinking About A Major Systems Update? Here’s How To Make The Transition Smoothly

Thinking About A Major Systems Update? Here’s How To Make The Transition Smoothly

How many software applications does it take to run your company?

You depend on each of these programs to perform at their highest level, and subsequently rely on the developers to continually upgrade their product. Upgrades have to be seamless and user-friendly so that your teams (the users) don’t skip a beat.

Periodically, a major systems upgrade is necessary within your own company. You may have decided a different EHR will better serve you. Or perhaps it’s a financial system that’s become outdated. Plus, you need your various software programs to be integrated … in a way that benefits your unique needs.

Making a decision about a major systems update is exciting! But thinking about how to pull it off can send you quickly into a state of overwhelm:

  • Where do we start?
  • How long will it take?
  • How will we accomplish the project?
  • How will we find the right experts to enlist?
  • Is it worth the disruption?

Let’s take a look at how to make it happen…

What does a major systems update look like?

Here’s the best news about taking on a major systems update: If you have not yet transitioned to cloud technology, now is the time! All the software programs you use are cloud-based, and by transitioning away from traditional hardware systems, you lower your total cost of ownership.

The purpose of deploying a major systems update goes beyond needing to update one or two of the programs you’re currently using. You’ll be integrating ALL your existing systems and programs, feeding them into your financial book of record.

Integration is the coding of the subsidiary ledgers to bring that data to the right general ledger line. The EHR is one of the largest subsidiary ledgers (census, payers). Your update migrates health information records by cross-mapping – integrating the clinical data with the financial data. 

First steps – Creating the Topography

Setting up the general ledger codes initiates your system. This is the topography of your system update as your financial book of record is the anchor. All subsidiary ledgers have to feed into the book of record. Your topography is the backbone or what’s known as the System Standup.

The topography is a structural technological document that shows how the systems will talk to each other. This becomes a template for all units. As you expand to add any new skilled nursing facilities, they will conform to this template. The goal is that all the software systems join into the topography in the same way, across multiple locations.

Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Plan

Continuity planning is the roadmap for setting the system up to work in integration with the subsidiary ledgers. When each relevant software is speaking to each other, you’re able to better track your financials, submit better reports to stakeholders, CMS, and other authorities, have successful audits, and ultimately, have the confidence that your numbers are accurate. 

Within every successful topography, you’ll need a formal structure of how to recover if/when something inevitably goes awry. Planning ahead for unforeseen events will keep the disruption to a minimum. 

Setting up migration teams for success

Then the work really begins. Once the topography is finalized, you need the humans who will write the upload utilities for data migration, database management, and all connectivity. This takes teams of experienced data managers, and many of your software providers will supply this support. They can migrate their program into your topography, but you will want integration experts to connect various programs together. 

Expanding and utilizing your existing technology

Is your company currently using Microsoft365? It’s a huge, powerful product that almost all companies all buy, but then only use the basic features. In reality, Microsoft 365 has the ability to provide the platform for the integrations. You may have been reading about all the ways Microsoft is entering the healthcare industry and empowering their users.

Microsoft for healthcare

How we help with a major system update

A major systems change is exciting! But we know how much work is involved.

We understand and have written successful topography, continuity planning, and connectivity systems. We have extensive experience in data migration and database management. We onboard your teams and provide ongoing training for their success.

Prone 2 Dream Technologies has been a Microsoft partner since 2016. MS wants the end user to be empowered, not restricted. That’s where P2D comes in – we’ve seen the underutilization of MS365 and want to show our clients how to maximize that investment.

Thinking about a major systems update? Call us for a complimentary consultation today.


Calculate Theoretical PDPM Reimbursements to Collect What You’ve Earned

Calculate Theoretical PDPM Reimbursements to Collect What You’ve Earned

It’s been a year since the inception of CMS’ new regulation – PDPM. As an industry, have we benefited? Hmmm… many are scratching their heads and wondering “Did we leave money on the table?”

That’s a fair question. Because at the end of the day all that’s changed, for the most part, is the way the reimbursements are calculated. There has been some re-stratification of therapy utilization, and a new central focus on nursing.

When you distill it further, it shifted the elusive chase of “720”, COD, and partner delivery models to “getting it right at admission” and delivering the nursing holistically, but isn’t that what “Skilled Nursing” implies in the first place?

What hasn’t changed is the process by which SNFs are arriving at the billing for their reimbursements and the laborious interdisciplinary Triple Check and data scrubbing. The October 2019 shift to PDPM was not near as painful as acclimating to the MDS/OASIS in 1996, as technology has eased the labyrinth of cross-checking the claims.  Many software vendors are laser focused on the retrospective “scrub” to ensure the digits meet the rigorous standards of submission.

We have acclimated quite nicely as an industry to the prevalence of data management, allowing our EHR to reflect our story of commitment to care and service, though the nemesis of coding the delivery of care remains intricate – digitizing clinical logic has never been an exact science.

Inevitably, the existing processes still cause strife between clinicians, admissions and billing as these shifts are playing out in real-time. It’s no wonder we’re not certain if our reimbursements will meet the level of service that we’ve earned – primarily because we continue looking in the rearview mirror.  Now is the time to put a “stake in the ground” with prospective logic.

There’s a better way – calculating a theoretical reimbursement at the point of admission.

The PPS (Prospective Payment System) has never really been “Prospective” has it?  Prone 2 Dreams still thinks it should be, just as CMS prepared us for the crossover to PDPM. Using this methodology, why not set your team up for success at the onset, instead of wondering why your reimbursement is lower than expectation – in hindsight?

It must be acknowledged that the first three days of the patient’s SNF stay are hectic, clinicians distill assessments, evaluate conditions, comorbidities, edge of bed visits, and liaison communications.  Admissions sets up the demographics, prepares for transportation, reception, and mobilize the support service teams. The business office pulls the CWF, verifies insurance, and gets initial auth… it is in this narrow window that we must get things right!

Take a look at Dream PDPM – a tool that calculates a theoretical reimbursement and memorializes each patient upon admission, allowing you to assess gaps in your EHR and billing system to capture the inconsistency inherent to digitizing clinical logic.

How does it work?

First, we open our virtual team environment for our customers. Get everyone together!

Dream PDPM  app is secure, protecting sensitive data …mobile, any device anywhere…collaborative, everyone contributes in one place.

Second, we are set to manage change.  So, go ahead…we understand that things change…conditions, additions, accidental omissions…

Dream PDPM  app memorializes every change, creating a brand new “Theo” pdf for tracking so that the whole team is on the same page while preserving the history.

Finally, for many RNs who are preparing the care plans, focusing on healing, preparing the success journey for the patient, getting all the appropriate boxes checked in this scramble may be a challenge.

Dream PDPM  app is simple and only takes a few minutes to complete.

While Dream PDPM is a tangible tool, here are a few intangible results:

  • Dream of your IDT team spending less time on Triple Check.
  • Dream of a comparative story – Actual vs Theoretical – promoting the interdisciplinary dialogue in a learning environment.
  • Dream of organically creating your reference library as the growth of the team memorializes these meetings.

We did – and the result is Dream PDPM.

Dream PDPM provides the benchmark to achieve maximum reimbursement and allows your team to develop and enhance their skills in identifying and correcting gaps.

The critical 3-day admission window lends to expand our learning the finer points of a Skilled Nursing Admission. Each step of the patient’s journey toward a successful outcome is measured on this prospective standard – enabling any disparities in payment to be identified and recorded giving your team an edge.

Prone 2 Dream Technologies can transition your company to a prospective approach to PDPM with a trackable system. We create the learning environment that helps your team perform better in their admissions process, thereby enabling better reimbursements. Please contact us for a complimentary consultation today.

Our Dream is always grounded in collecting the data, formulating powerful real-time analytics, and presenting results to your team in dynamic dashboards.

How to Use Predictive Analytics to Improve Skilled Nursing Profitability

How to Use Predictive Analytics to Improve Skilled Nursing Profitability

While predictive analytics strategy is imperative for all industries, skilled nursing has been impacted by Covid-19 to a dramatic degree. The exposure to analytics and the power to aggregate and analyze data in contact tracing, incident reporting, and statistical monitoring has delivered a new normal for the industry.  Yet, the wealth of data already being generated throughout healthcare has never been leveraged to serve nursing homes for better operational efficiency. 

What is “Predictive Analytics”? 

Predictive analytics is the power to assemble data in a relevant way so that it tells a historical story, and based on that story and its continuing trends, can predict outcomes.   

Integrating data silos combines data from different platforms and indicates business issues and business opportunities.  

Take the case of a dietary manager in a skilled nursing facility. His top skills may be culinary mastery and managing a team of people. He’s given the tools to order his supplies – food, cleaning, disposables, etc. He’s given a budget based on expected census(in many cases this can be a flat dollar amount that was projected nearly 6 months ago by the financial division)Coupled with multiple other platforms to manage his staffing needsrecipes, dietary guidelinesetc., he can become quite overwhelmed with the systems and may struggle with how to fit it all together for success. 

A simple strategy to predict outcomes based on departmental data – employees, purchases, and the residents – empowers department managers to “control the controllable.  

Bringing all of his disparate data together with a business intelligence strategy will give him back control of the department’s success.  Simply delivering an auto-adjusted budget based on the facility’s actual census as it fluctuates throughout the month, coupled with a declining budget, he will be able to discern his direction and feel empowered to meet the goals.  Why is this important? If census goes down, he is delivered the adjusted budget dollars and declining balance for purchases through the month ensuring expenses are controlled. Likewise, if census increases, adjusted budget dollars increase, and orders adjusted for enough supplies to be certain he is taking excellent care of his customers.  Without predictive analytics, his orders may be “his best guess” on needs and may fall short of budget expectations and stress his departments commitment to excellence 

Employing this simple business intelligence strategy across all of your department heads will empower the facility to meet budget expectations.   

All of your Department Managers want to succeed. With predictive analytics, auto adjusting budget dollars and “declining balance” can give them confidence to meet spending expectations.   

What else can predictive analytics be used for? 

Skilled nursing operators have a wealth of data that can be used to make course adjustments and get back on track to reach goals.  Data gives you a historical view of “what happened” and “what’s happening right now”.  

Predictive analytics identifies trends, alerts for problems, and offers opportunities to put data to use and strengthen favorable outcomes. 

Our predictive analytics strategies can be applied to PBJ, census, cash flow, and accounts receivableand many more. 

Making sense of too much data  

How many software platforms does it take to run a skilled nursing facility? Census/EHR, Payroll, Scheduling & PBJ, Culinary, Financial, … the list goes on. The result? Information overload. Yet, smart operators are taking these data silos and integrating them for their best benefit. By doing so, they are turning information overload into business opportunity.  Prone 2 Dream Technologies has developed CORE – a business intelligence strategy that joins together your disparate data silos into a relevant order. Your data aggregated in one place custom dashboards – where you have real time access to all the factors affecting your profitability.   COREgives you the ability to view fresh data on a daily basis – you can drill down into your daily activities and find the insights you need for actionable decisions – in minutes. You are able to monitor controllable expenses before they affect your bottom line.   With CORE, you have the visibility to evaluate the course, identify direct influencers and evaluate course corrections as the data builds bringing stability to your profit margin.  

How to apply a predictive analytics strategy  

The key is consultation with our seasoned analyst who can assess your data stores – The why? The how did we get here? The what needs to change for us to reach our goal?    Once your history has been evaluated and the goals identified, Prone 2 Dream Technologies can apply a predictive analytics strategy over that data. This includes integrating your data platforms into a centralized location, keeping them refreshed, where critical KPIs can be at your fingertips.   Sound complicated? It’s not.   

Prone 2 Dream sets you up for success with onboarding, ongoing training and unlimited support for your executive team and front-line managers.  

Contact us today for your complimentary consultation. 

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