
Business Detours?  Not A Problem When You Set Your GPS

Business Detours? Not A Problem When You Set Your GPS

Why do we like GPS? It not only gives us the best route to our destination, but it also identifies roadblocks in our way. You hear “Accident 12 miles ahead in the right lane, 27-minute delay, exit now to take the alternative route”. The roadblocks are actually reported by other users of the app, and because of their contribution to your journey, you are able to make a timely decision, avoid the pitfall, and arrive on time. Imagine your phone battery was dead on this same trip and this information never reached you – now…here you sit, trying to negotiate the simplest lane change to make an impact…

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Hope and Analytics – The New Next

Hope and Analytics – The New Next

In a recent article in Senior Housing News, industry leaders are taking a stand of positivity for the future. Though the census reductions have been significant, SNF leaders know that to truly recover, a wait and see attitude is not going to win. The winners will be those leaning into disruption.

Now, more than ever, is the time to discover innovative technology that streamlines your data platforms and analytics to identify the areas where you can divert dissipation back to profitability.

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DreamCORE Intelligence Center surveys facility activity daily to provide an unobstructed line of sight into KPI’s, empowering senior care leaders to quickly identify obstacles on the road to profitability.

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