What would it mean to your organization if you could watch the trend of your CMS PBJ staffing star ratings … daily?
Payroll-Based Journal (PBJ) is the report used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to evaluate levels of staffing in a skilled nursing facility as it relates to quality measures. To determine the quarterly PBJ staffing star rating, the intricate formula calculates RN and overall staffing against census and complexity of the patients.
The formula, while intricate, can be a useful tool for SNF operators who wish to make a positive impact on their quarterly ratings. However, doing the calculations manually would be an onerous task. Filling out the quarterly report for CMS based on time clock data is complex enough without trying to manually figure the calculations.
At Prone 2 Dream, we believe there’s a better way – a prospective approach. By viewing timeclock data and census together on a daily basis, a SNF operator and their Director of Nursing can make evidence-based decisions when scheduling. Dream CORE Dashboards is a business intelligence solution that provides daily tracking of your time clock data, as well as Overtime Analysis, Earnings Reports, Wage Analysis, Labor Distribution and more.
By watching your DreamCORE Dashboards on a daily basis, you have actionable information to positively impact your PBJ staffing star ratings.
Missing an RN one day? Set your DreamCORE to alert you – so you can correct the situation before it becomes part of your permanent CMS record.
When you have access to your daily PBJ staffing star ratings and make data-driven decisions on a daily basis, you can:
> Optimize clinical staffing dollars
> Equip your team to stay ahead of timeclock data
> Gain insight on CMS adjustment trends
Daily visibility of PBJ star trends brings stability, and ultimately enables you to project what each quarter’s stars will be. DreamCORE takes the mystery out of PBJ reporting.