
Proactive Survey Readiness
It’s no secret that a visit from a Health Inspector creates anxiety in most centers… but it doesn’t have to. DreamPRO Intelligence presents an automated clinical system to consolidate the areas of care management that cost your center time and real money. Our...
3 Tips for Successful PBJ Submissions
Does submitting an accurate and thorough quarterly PBJ create stress for the entire team? Here are the top 3 factors that adversely impact your staffing star ratings: RN <8 hours – Four or more occurrences in the quarter with no RN staffing 8 consecutive hours,...
Changing Minds Changes Habits
What did we do before GPS? Often, we took an inefficient route to our destination, losing time to accidents, construction, and lane closures on the road ahead. Once we discovered GPS, our minds changed and we threw away our paper maps. DreamCORE Intelligence is...
Drowning in Data?
3 Ways to Manage Staffing Data in Today’s Challenging Climate
3 Ways to Manage Staffing Data in Today’s Challenging Climate We understand. Thanks to 18 months of a pandemic, there’s a widespread industry shortage of staff. Compound that with an impending federal vaccine mandate. Looming in the background, a federal...
Senior Living Operators – Will You Meet Your Budget This Month?
There’s a nagging question in the minds of senior living administrators and department managers everywhere: “Will I meet my budget this month?” DreamCORE Dashboards and the Dream Expenses App are the practical solution to this notorious problem – How to manage...
Integrate Agency Nurse Staffing For Positive Impact
Integrate Agency Nurse Staffing For Positive Impact The new realities of managing skilled nursing facilities have brought the need for operational efficiencies front and center. The challenge of maintaining appropriate staffing continues as a number one...

DreamCORE Intelligence Center surveys facility activity daily to provide an unobstructed line of sight into KPI’s, empowering senior care leaders to quickly identify obstacles on the road to profitability.